Logging community service hours can be a struggle -- especially during a pandemic
My eleventh grader needs to earn some community service hours. She needs them to stay active in several honor societies. Plus, she needs them to be competitive among her peers this fall when she begins applying to colleges and for scholarships. In a 2018 Forbes article , writer Derek Newton reported on a survey of college admissions officers and the value they place on community service. "Fortunately, a new survey of college admissions officers and staff shows that t argeted community service may be a shortcut to scoring college admission or serve as a powerful tie-breaker among competitive applicants," Newton wrote. Of late, I have been questioning the equity of service hour requirements and expectations. Are they fair? I've also been beating myself up a bit for failing to be a better example when it comes to serving in the community. Perhaps if I did more community service, and did it more consistently, then my daughter would see it as a natural part of our family