Ugh! July's almost over!
The end of July conjures up a bit of anxiety for this NerdyTeacherMom. I know, I know ... the Bible says "be anxious for nothing." I'm working on that. This is right about when I start to lose sleep about the upcoming school year. The 3 a.m. worries are typically things like how can I do a better job teacher question words this year, or I should find someone now to talk to my classes about why speaking Spanish is so important, or maybe I'll try planning a field trip this year . On top of the usual worries, this year I've added a biggie: I am pursuing my National Board Teacher Certification. Becoming a Board Certified Teacher will be validation that I am an "accomplished teacher." It will help me improve my teaching and make my school look good. Plus, it will add a few extra bucks to my paycheck. Despite recommendations to spread this process over two years, I have committed myself to submitting all of the required components i