What do you want me to write about? Seriously. Tell me.

It's happening: writer's block. This is why I hesitated to start a blog. I worried that I might actually write something that people would actually want to read, then lose my credibility because I only posted once in a blue moon.

It's not that nothing's been going on my life. In fact, I have plenty of legitimate reasons for not writing.

Do I set aside [fill in the blank from the list below] to tap out a few paragraphs?

  • grading papers
  • planning lessons
  • clipping coupons
  • reading
  • tweeting
  • checking Facebook
  • napping
  • doing hair
  • Candy Crush
  • getting organized
  • (you get the gist)

And once blogging has been prioritized, what the heck do I write about? My kids are at the age where EVERYTHING is embarrassing. So I have to tread lightly when using them as writing material. I have personal issues (don't we all?), but do I really want to put all of that out there? People who do that come across as super self-centered, especially if their business does nothing to help or encourage others. I get plenty of ideas from my students, but it would be unprofessional to reveal too much.

So I'm putting the call out to you, faithful readers of my scant blog posts. What do you want to know from the perspective of an African-American, Christian, married mother of two daughters who teaches high school Spanish in the suburbs?

(Dang, is that really me in one sentence?)

Seriously. Tell me the topics that would make you look forward to reading my blog. Post them in the comments or email them to me at nerdyteachermom@gmail.com.

I promise to be candid and honest.

And I promise to write.


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Planning for an international field trip during Spring Break

Remembering bell hooks: She signed my books but wouldn't let me take her coat

Why my kids need to know "Lift Every Voice and Sing"